Enhancing Visual Clarity for Card Effects while Using Radius Control

5 votes

Merging thoughts from our community, I propose an upgrade to the visual indicators for radius-controlled card effects. The current indicator, for example the blue glow for the "Chilly Blow" card, lacks visibility on blue-hued monsters.

1. Deploy a multicolor shimmer or a distinct outline to enhance visibility on the targeted monster.
2. For "Chilly Blow," maybe it could be a unique flurry of ice effect, like snow swirling within a snow globe, enveloping the targets? This can add a distinct and aesthetically pleasing cue to the affected area.

These visual enhancements will ensure clear and effective radius targeting, making gameplay more intuitive and visually engaging.
The discussion can be found in our Discord bugs-ideas-balance channel: [https://discord.com/channels/320111824190308382/1216552398269714523].

Under consideration Suggested by: Neptune Boy Upvoted: 11 May Comments: 0

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