Banish artifacts from selection

12 votes

Some artifacts are not worth it in end game and need to be avoided (or at least avoided be certain classes. This is intended. It still is a problem if you misclick.

What would be helpful is a "banish" option for artifact choices. Whenever you are presented with an artifact, you have the option to banish it from ever being offered again (in this run). This reduces frustration (by being offered artifacts several times) and the potential for mis-clicks. It makes the game slightly easier but the effect is very very small because taking a bad artifact is better (only very few artifacts are actively harmful).

There are alternative solutions, of course. It would be nifty if artifacts could be "deactivated" but that would break their balance (deactivating the clam at will defeats the downside). There could be a room option to deactivate an artifact for a price. There already is in a way because you can exchange artifacts. Maybe there could be an option to destroy an artifact in addition.

Under consideration Suggested by: Name Upvoted: 19 Apr Comments: 1

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